Fall 2020 – COVID 19 – UPDATE

Hello Karate families. I hope everyone has had a restful and enjoyable summer. 

This fall is presenting some unique challenges in all areas.  At this time there are still a lot of unknowns. Schools and other organizations are all trying their best to balance learning and safety around new policy and procedure changes. At this time, with so many unknowns and changes being implemented, it is impossible to say what karate will look like for our club going forward.  We are waiting for information from our facility about whether or not the rental space will be available or if we will need to look for a new location to operate out of, and if we are able to resume classes at some point, what procedures we will have to follow. We will likely need some help from parents to implement the recommendations for a safe return to indoor training. If you are interested in assisting with that process, please let Sensei Jon know. 

We have made the difficult decision to begin this year with a digital class platform. I am sure many of you (and myself included) would like to get back to training as usual. We will continue to monitor guidelines and changes and will move to cohorted in-person training when we are confident it is safe to do so. At this time I am hoping we will be able to get back in the dojo together next term in January. I know digital instruction is not ideal in many ways, so for this term we will reduce our registration fees and offer 2 training sessions/ week. 

We will be streaming the classes using Zoom to avoid some of the technical difficulties experienced with the classes in the spring.  Also classes will be offered 2 nights a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning September 22 and ending December 10 with Grading on December 15 (in person or online).  Cost will be $80/student.  

Fundamentals Class will run from 6:30-7:15.  All students are encouraged to attend this class.  This time will focus on the basic skills of stance, blocks, strikes and kicks, as well as entry level katas.  Feedback and coaching for this time period will be focused on white/yellow belt students.

There will be a 15 min break (or extra time if Sensei Jon gets on a roll about something)

Advanced Class will run from 7:30-8:30 with the option to extend to 9 for senior students.

This time will focus on advanced basics, sparring drills, and advanced kata.  Coaching and feedback during this time will be focused on Orange – Brown belt students.

We are planning to run an outdoor physical distanced kick off class on Tuesday September 22, weather permitting.  More information will be sent out to registered students via email.