2021 Start Up Information

Welcome to our 2021/22 Melfort Karate season, we are so excited to welcome everyone back to the dojo.

Please read this whole letter for updated procedures and important information.

Classes start Tuesday September 14th and will run weekly.  Last class is Tuesday December 14th.

Classes follow the school schedule.  There will be no karate classes on school holidays.

Class times: White/Yellow 6-7pm  /  Advanced Class (orange and up) 7-8:30pm.

Please do not drop off students more than 5 min before class start time.  All students should arrive dressed in their Gi (uniform) and be ready to participate.  Uniforms are not required for the first class.  

If you do not have a uniform a t-shirt and shorts or sweats is fine. Please arrive promptly to pick up students after class.

*All updates and announcements regarding karate classes will be sent out via the Remind App. 

Please ensure you sign up for Remind as soon as possible* 

The health and safety of participants is important to us.

DO NOT come to class if you are feeling unwell.  Students experiencing any symptoms outlined on the Government of Saskatchewan self-assessment form will be sent home.

We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 recommendations by public health and changes to policy may occur with little notice. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about health and safety during karate class.  At this time, please remind students of the following:

  • There is no water fountain available, all students must bring their own water bottle to every class.
  • Everyone entering the facility must use the provided hand sanitizer.
  • Though masking is not mandatory, instructors will be masking during class.  It is strongly recommended that students and spectators wear a mask as well since case numbers and community transmission in the Melfort area is currently high.
  • Attendance will be taken at each class for participants and spectators so we can quickly determine close contacts in the case of an exposure during programming.  We will plan to cohort participants to small groups for partner work to minimize contacts.  If students prefer not to participate in partner activities, that will be accommodated.
  • We are planning to return to “more normal” activities including partner work, sparring, and pad work, which we very much missed last year.  Equipment such as focus miss and kicking shields will be cleaned every class.
  • To minimize common equipment, students should bring their own hand pads to class.  Students who do not own hand pads can pay a $20 deposit to rent a set for the session.  This will be refunded at the end of the session when the hand pads are returned in good condition. 

All fees are due by September 21st.  Please speak with Sensei Kaeli if you require a modified fee schedule.  Please note that fees have changed since last year.  Please refer to the website for updated class fees.

As always, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. 

We are looking forward to a safe and productive training year!